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Instagram Contest #museoduomofi

Design UX / Development / Gamification

logo Instagram Contest #museoduomofi

The contest website was made with Ruby on Rails. It was interesting to use the Instagram API to retrieve the photos in real time and allow judges to vote for the best photos. We also designed the photobook layout and handled its production. It was printed on high-quality paper – which those beautiful pictures, this was a must!

A book of beautiful images

We have created the Grande Museo del Duomo's Instagram Contest. In just a few days, we received thousands of photos. Some were even sent by professional photobloggers. We gathered the best photos, putting them into a beautiful limited edition phonebook.

The book

Instagram Challenge

The LeanPanda project team

Stefano Verna

Stefano Verna

Head of DatoCMS
Matteo Papadopoulos

Matteo Papadopoulos

COO, Chief Operation Officer
Juana Alvarez

Juana Alvarez

Art Director

Client words

Thanks to LeanPanda, we were able to implement our ideas within a short time, while drastically cutting our predicted costs, and providing daily information to millions of visitors from around the world.
Alice Filipponi
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