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The tools that we have chosen to achieve your goals

For more than ten years working in the building of the tool-chain technology in order to guarantee the best results at the lowest cost of building and maintenance at the time.

This is our menu, able to meet a huge number of needs: and in all probability, even your own ;)

Ruby / Elixir

Mature languages, open-source, optimized in the speed of development and supported by a huge communities.


For strongly dynamic sites where speed is a must, the solution is called Single Page Application.


We have the best of frontend technologies for providing responsive, maintainable and readable interfaces.

Mobile and PWA

We develop either iOS mobile Apps and Android devices using React Native to make apps or Progressive Web Applications.

Heroku and PAAS

We have the best hosting provider in order to give you a reliable service scalable with the number of visitors.

Tested code

We test the code during development to ensure product robustness and enable the teams which come after us to be autonomous.

Do you know how we work?Discover our method